1) When will BNK tokens be registered on CoinMarketCap and listed on exchanges?
We aim for BNK tokens to be listed on exchanges in the 2nd quarter of this year. BNK tokens will be listed on HitBTC and SpectroCoin, as well as on Bankera’s exchange once it is live. Other external exchanges are not out of question, however, the main focus remains on the development of our own exchange. Once BNK tokens hit other exchanges they will also be listed on CoinMarketCap.
2) Will you be utilizing the NEM network for BNK tokens and its transactions?
First, we aim to finalize the BNK ERC223 source code, which we aim to do in the 2nd quarter of this year. That will allow our token holders to withdraw their BNKs as well as claim their weekly commission via the Ethereum Smart contract. Once the ERC223 source code is finalized, BNKs will also hit exchanges. Also, once the ERC223 source code is finalized, our IT team will focus on supporting BNKs as NEM Mosaics as well.
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